Our expert responds #16

8 settembre 2020

by Idroelettrica spa

Use of a swimming pool as water storage

Is it possible to feed hydrant networks using a swimming pool as water storage?

This question is one of the most frequently asked questions that are addressed to our company during the training courses that we organise around Italy.
Within the group of fire-fighting professionals, a heated debate has always taken place on the subject. This solution is obviously recommended by the owners of the hotel business, who, in this way try to contain the costs of the fire-fighting system.
In 2014, the competent UNI committee, consulted on this point, expressed itself as follows: "UNI 10779 (Fire extinguishing systems – Hydrant networks – Design, installation and operation) does not provide for the use of water from a swimming pool for fire-fighting use; any possible use must be in accordance with the technical and legislative requirements of safety and reliability." This opinion is then taken up in a note dated 14 July 2014 no. 9102 of the Ministry of the Interior, Central Directorate for Prevention and Technical Safety.
Swimming pools are therefore a solution not included among the water supplies provided by the standard.
Therefore, as reported, it must be concluded that they cannot  be used as a fire-fighting water storage.

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