Our expert responds #3

21 febbraio 2020

Is it possible to insert a fire-fighting unit inside a room that also contains an autoclave system?


  • Is it possible to insert a fire-fighting unit inside a room that also contains an autoclave system?

UNI EN 12845: 2015, provides that the rooms for the pumping units are for exclusive use – point 10.3.1, therefore excludes the presence of any other component or material other than the fire-fighting unit and its accessories.
In the event that the fire-fighting unit is used only and exclusively to feed networks designed and built according to UNI 10779:2014, then the same UNI 10779:2014 admits in point A.1.1. that "If the location in exclusive rooms is not possible, the location of the fire-fighting pumps is allowed, limited to the electrical units, in rooms common to other technological systems as long as they are characterised by a very low fire hazard, fire load in any case less than 100 MJ/m2"
So in a regime of UNI 10779, limited to the lowest level of danger (level 1) and in the presence of only electrical units, it is possible to install the fire-fighting unit also in rooms containing other technological systems (fire load max 100 MJ/m2).

In all other cases, the exclusive use provided for by UNI EN 12845:2015 applies.

Warningin the case of combined water supplies (which simultaneously feed sprinkler and hydrant networks), the provisions of UNI 10779 do not apply, but the EXCLUSIVE USE imposed by UNI EN 12845 applies.

Of course, the minimum requirements indicated in UNI 11292:2019 apply to the rooms that house the pressurisation units.

See you soon.

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